lways wanted to know more about ancient cities such as Samarkand, Urumqi and Tehran? Interested in knowing what makes a great city? Eager to get a sense of the size and scale of urban development along the Silk Road in the 21st century?
Brand New China at the Long Museum in Shanghai
ead over to the Long Museum in Shanghai on Sunday April 19th 2015 to hear how we made Brand New China happen. Rogier will be giving a talk for anybody interested in adventure and the rise of Chinese brands (or practical tips on how to drive from China to Holland). Here are the details: Sunday April 19th 2015 / 14:00 …
We made it! Our final report
he past year has been the best year of our lives. We’ve made an amazing journey, we got to share it with the rest of the world in photos and videos thanks to our partners, we got sponsored by 7 Chinese brands, and we reached millions of people in over 100 media. We’ve put together a final slideshow of the …
Day 97 – Cologne to Rotterdam
e made it! We have used this sentence after every border crossing but this time it was extra special! We drove over the Erasmus-bridge, the landmark of Rotterdam, continued onto the Coolsingel and the police was escorting us towards the World Trade Center where family, friends and an overwhelming amount of media was waiting for us!
Day 96 – Cologne
emember the guy who shot videos of us in Chongqing? We saw him again in Cologne, how awesome is that? After a morning of interviews we made it back to the hotel to be welcomed by our family and friends who drove to Cologne for a pre-arrival celebration! (more photos will follow!)
Day 95 – Munich to Cologne
rooooomm through Germany! German highways are awesome! In a simple six hours our excellent BYD brought us to Cologne where we will do some video interviews tomorrow and meet our parents and best friends! Really looking forward! And ow yeah, we did the last tweaks to our website and social media channels before arrival in Rotterdam!
Day 94 – Munich
he ‘Hofbrauhaus’ in Munich is a great place to experience an ‘Oktoberfest-like’ feeling, even when the festival is not on. One liter of German beer per person… oy!
Day 93 – Sesto to Munich
e are sorry Austria… we looked at you while hiking around the Drei Zinnen and were utterly impressed but today we blasted through you… Within 1,5 hour we made it from the Italian border to the German border driving through this impressive country of snow-capped peaks, the greenest valley’s and cutest villages. Auf Wiedersehen!
Day 92 – Sesto
lmost a full day behind our laptops in this ‘Tiroller-hutte’. Website updates, photo editing, writing articles that have been in our mind but not yet noted down, video editing, video editing and video editing… and we also cleaned the entire car from the inside which was really necessary. A thorough autumn cleansing for our BYD F5!
Day 91 – Drei Zinnen hike
he last outdoor activity of this journey to fully test our Ozark gear once again: an epic hike of 8 hours around the Drei Zinnen with the highest point of this hike being a mountain pass of 2546 meters. Snow was abundant, temperatures around zero in the shade and during mid-day around 20 degrees in the full sun, and the …